Wednesday, December 2, 2009


Everybody wants to be confident... and the best way to become confident is to experience success. Surprisingly, starting with the way we move and act, we can cultivate an air of confidence and create an aura of charisma and charm.

We all have had some degree of success in our lives. Your successes might be very different from someone else but you never ever want to compare yourself with anyone else. You are unique!

Make a little time for yourself each day to sit down and identify the successes in your life. Quite often we totally discard those moments of elation and joy, our failure memories seem to be the ones that stick - so one of the very valuable things you can do for yourself is to reverse that process.

Too often we let those failure memories dominate so we must always concentrate on the victories. Remember the victories and achievements - it doesn’t have to be huge. It only needs to be something that you feel proud of.

It helps to write your success moments down. This way you sub-consciously program your brain to think more positively about yourself. While remembering the things you are good at, you can re-live that feeling of accomplishment - a sensation worth having.

It doesn't have to be huge success; it only needs to be something that you feel proud of. You lost a pound in the last week; managed to write one page of your memoirs or maybe you came up with a great idea or you completed a challenging task. Don’t forget things like the power walk you did for charity or learning to strum a tune on the guitar. Whatever it was, make sure you give yourself the full recognition it deserves!

So start becoming more aware and enthusiastic about your own achievements, and see how good it feels. Remember that confidence comes from the inside out and from the outside in - it is a two way street.

The moment we start rewarding ourselves for our achievements we also begin to change our outlook. And that long-forgotten sense of triumph and accomplishment will lead us towards more successes and even more confidence.
